I think this might be the first time, in any English class, where I actually think I might know I'm doing. See though, now that I've said that I've definitely jinxed myself. Great, I'm already the worst when it comes to luck. Maybe I broke a mirror and don't remember it because that would explain a lot. I need to go throw some salt over my shoulder or whatever.
- Some successes during this week's production was that I was actually to finish a completed script (not even lying), and I don't feel rushed or worried about editing any of the videos I recorded since I'm familiar and comfortable with the video-editing platform (iMovie) I'll be using. I'm currently feeling cautiously optimistic about the content outline I based my argument off of and the sources that are mentioned in the actual video essay (so far).
- A challenge during this week's process work was the fact that I currently don't have my pretty MacBook with my nice camera and super easy video-editing program. Let me tell you, from a first-hand experience, it hurts. A lot. At least I'll have it definitely by this weekend so I'm not too worried. Another challenge was the fact that I'm a procrastinator to the core and almost forgot to actually record my videos. I actually had to trick myself into doing my work on time by setting every clock I own 3 hours ahead. I wish I was joking.
- Based on my experiences this week, I am cautiously optimistic for next week's post-production. Since I'm not in unfamiliar territory I think I'll actually be able to manage editing a bunch of videos into a cohesive video essay. However, it's just going to suck not having my video-editing computer right away and having to wait until the weekend.
- Overall, I think I may be putting a little too much faith in my video-editing abilities and overall comprehension of the project, but I think I'll leave my rose-colored glasses on for a while. I think I'll actually start worrying once the final deadline gets closer. Right now it's a comfortable distance away so I'll meander my way through the deadlines until I reach the Point of No Return (usually the weekend of the final deadline).