Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review 13b

Ok I think I need to be done with the Netflix for a little bit. I have to prepare for the Hell week that starts tomorrow. Wish me luck, because I might not make it to the end of the week.

  • I peer reviewed Fernando Coronado's rough cut

  • I decided to make a content-based suggestion about the detail and development of the rough cut, more specifically about more clear counter-arguments. More specific concessions make for a stronger argument since it makes the author seem more level-headed and rational.

  • I think that this will help in the long-run since a stronger argument will typically result in a better grade.

  • I incorporated the idea of concessions and refutations in a public argument from the suggested readings into my feedback of his rough cut. This helps to build a better overall argument.

  • I really liked the personality and flair that Fernando put into his script for his rough cut. My topic is more dark and serious so I hope I'll be able to play around with it at least a little bit.

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