Sunday, April 24, 2016

Revised Post to Peer Reviewers

I've had the least productive weekend in the entire world. I quite literally laid on the floor and stared at the ceiling for an hour. A whole 60 minutes. Doing absolutely nothing. It was fantastic.

  • Just know that both cuts are very rough and they both still need a lot of work. Don't expect anything from this please and thanks.

  • A major strength of this cut is the content of the script. Everything else is a mess I realize.

  • A major weakness of this cut is the absence of any finesse or any sort of polishing. I understand that that's a thing that needs to happen.

  • Also don't judge me for this one but here's my very rough Fine cut


    1. Hello Marisa!
      I took a look at your essay for my peer review, focusing on the form of your video essay.
      First I would like to say I really enjoyed your essay, and you seemed very passionate about the subject and a video essay like this really helps carry that across, and your ideas are something I think many more people need to hear.

      One of the major gripes I had about your essay thought was your ineffective use of the visual aspect of the video essay. While you did use video quite a few times throughout the essay, which did help, there not many pictures to support what you were saying. The camera was focused on you and your ideas, which can be good, but is more of a convention for a podcast. If you could include more pictures in the essay and overlay your narration to directly related pictures it would make it much more informational.

      Also, one small thing I noticed was that you should tone down the music heavily when a video is playing, you don't want two different audio sources at the same time.

      Overall a good video essay though, I enjoyed listening to it!

    2. Hey Marisa, so I know this is definitely past the due date of the project (sorry) but I need to do peer reviews soo you can just ignore this.
      First of all, I really like the way your essay flows. It makes sense, its easy to follow, and you seem really passionate about what you're talking about. You mention a few studies and quote a few people, I would just make sure that you make it clear where those sources are coming from. I know you know Bottai is probably looking for some pictures and such, but your content is really great and I feel like I actually learned things from your essay, so great work!
