Sunday, April 17, 2016

Editorial Report 12a

I can't believe this semester's already almost over, I feel like we're just going to be in April, not May. I'm almost done with my first year of college...that's so crazy. I mean I'll be living in an apartment and everything next year, that's such an adult thing to do. When did this happen? I feel like this year flew by so fast. 

  • I only made minuscule changes to this section, it was mainly just revision of the script that I went off of rather than video editing changes. I think that now with the revised content, it flows a lot smoothly and elaborates on some of the main mental health stigmas that we perpetuate everyday, sometimes without even thinking about it. By providing examples of stigmas to the section, people can relate more easily and understand what it looks like for mental health to be stigmatized in everyday life.
  • The form didn't change at all when I re-edited it. I'm not done editing though. I still need to add in supporting evidence in media form and add in small editing details to make the video run more smoothly and present the content as a continuous stream of consciousness. Rather than choppy and unedited as it is now.

Body Section 2

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