Sunday, April 3, 2016

Peer Review 10b

I'm definitely a pre-med student, I could never be an engineer. I definitely admire the people who have a passion for machines and computers and coding, but I prefer the brain and human interaction over programming. So I take my hat off to those who are engineering majors, good luck.

  • I decided to make a brainstorming suggestion about the analysis, more specifically a different approach towards the controversy at hand. Since this is a public argument, you'll want to put your own opinion into the argument, since it's your argument you're making. Definitely have sources to back up your opinion, but an unbiased opinion will make for a very boring argument. Just something to think about.

  • I hope that my feedback will help to make the argument more interesting since passion and personal opinions definitely make for the best arguments. Also, since it is a public argument, you'll have to put your opinion in it anyway, but catching it earlier is always better so you'll have time to rework your content outline (if need be).

  • I incorporated the suggestion from the Student's Guide readings about the definition of controversy and how exactly to present an argument to the public's eye to make sure there is enough of your own credibility to take a stand on the subject.

  • I really liked how passionate he was about his topic and was able to use terminology that other people involved in the controversy would most likely use, which I definitely really admired.

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