Sunday, April 10, 2016

Peer Review 11b

Wow I didn't know another kappa took 109H! This is so exciting, now I have someone in the house to stress about blog posts with (no offense, that's just how college kids bond these days). Sisters we are thankful am I right?

  • I decided to make a brainstorming suggestion on Veronica's rhetorical analysis about different ideas that could be incorporated into the project. I'm in love with the topic of America's societal and cultural pressures and misconceptions regarding the topic of girls and sex. Another awesome perspective that could be incorporated into the argument could be your (Veronica's) own personal experience of being a girl and the expectation that girls have in a sorority on a college campus. That perspective could add to your overall credibility and make it a more personal argument (which is harder to refute).

  • I think by adding a more personal perspective to the argument, it will make you seem more credible as a source and also help more people personally connect to your argument as well. Both as a college student and a student in Greek life, you're offered a unique standpoint on the view of sex and it would be really interesting to see how you can incorporate it in an argument.

  • I incorporated the importance of personal stories to increase an author's credibility from the suggested readings. Since personal stories connects the author and the audience to the topic.

  • I really love how passionate you are about the topic, just by reading through the rhetorical analysis I was taken aback by how much you love this topic and how strongly you feel. This is going to make for an amazing argument. I can't wait to read your finished product!

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