Sunday, April 3, 2016

Content Outline

I'm actually really excited for this project believe it or not. I never thought I'd ever be saying that about an English project to be honest, but I'm such an opinionated person this is going to be so much fun.
My really cool outline:
  • Opening
    • Background music, a black background with the title and my name then it fades out to me talking about the background of the controversy, when it all started, what exactly it's about, cut with different still images and different video angles.

  • Body section 1
    • Stigma around mental health
      • Evidence: "Why We Need to Talk About Depression" a Ted Talk by Kevin Breel
        • Proves: The main purpose of this Ted Talk is a call to action the movers and shakers of this world in order to change how mental health is stigmatized and by removing the stigma, people will feel more willing to seek the help they need without having to hide it or keep their condition a secret.
        • Important: It's important that the people who don't know about mental illness or depression hear about it. It's also for people who do struggle with a mental disorder and can relate to his message so they don't feel as alone. But more importantly, this talk is directed at the movers and shakers of this world who have the power to change how mental illness is stigmatized in America.
      • Evidence: My own personal story
        • Proves: So many people deal with a mental illness, 1 in 4 people struggle with some kind of mental illness and I add to that statistic. My story will help relate to the audience and increase my credibility.
        • Important: It's important that I share this story so I can make the argument more personal and harder to refute since it's something that I deal with personally and know all the ins and outs of.
  • Body section 2
    • Counter-argument
      • Evidence: "Radio Host: Bipolar Disorder Does Not Exist" by Fox News Radio Host Tom Sullivan
        • Proves: This talk proves that so many people believe that mental illness is just the "latest fad" and are just fancy terms used by the psychology business to make more money by prescribing medication.
        • Important: This is important since so many people see mental illness as not real because the people who suffer from it have nothing to show, no x-rays or urine samples that can prove they have a mental illness, so instead it's "made up."
      • Evidence: "Mental Disorders Do Not Exist" a blog by Jon Rappoport
        • Proves: This blog proves that a lot of people think that because there is no specific test you can do or specific gene you can isolate to determine if someone has a mental illness, then that means that it simply doesn't exist.
        • Important: This is important because this is what perpetuates the stigma around mental health, the fact that the whole "anti-psychiatry" movement is happening to make sure that mental illnesses "aren't real."
  • Body section 3
    • Refutation of counter-argument
      • Evidence: "What's so Funny About Mental Illness?" a Ted Talk by Ruby Wax
        • Proves: The main purpose of this Talk is to help break the stigma behind mental health using humor. She delivers the content in such a funny way that it doesn't scare people off with the reality of what a mental disorder means.
        • Important: Everyone relates to humor and by Ruby laughing at her mental illness and making jokes, it makes it easier for people to open up about mental illness and make it a more normal conversation.
      • Evidence: "Here's the Real truth About Mental Health" by Lindsay Holmes and Sahaj Kohli
        • Proves: The main purpose of this video is to inform people who don't know what a mental disorder means, as well as a call to action for those same people who didn't know what a mental disorder was to seek more information on it and to feel comfortable talking about it.
        • Important: It's important because if a person feels like it's a safe environment, they'll feel more comfortable opening up and receiving the care they need.
  • Closing
    • Restate the argument and why it's so important for the stigma around mental health to go away since it makes it more likely that people will actually go out and seek help if they need it. Have background music playing and various still shots and different video angles throughout. Close with a fade to black and roll credits.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marisa,

    For starters, this is one of the most detailed and well thought-out outlines I have ever encountered. Each claim is very well developed and dives deep into the meaning of each.

    As far as the rhetorical situation goes, this topic is bound to have numerous opportunities to apply pathos and you exemplified this excellently in your second piece of evidence for your first claim.

    Now et's get into the nitty gritty of the outline. I may first recommend that you make your topic centered around a specific event. The entire first week of pre-production was spent generally speaking about the negatives of social media. The only problem was that my argument is supposed to be based around some specific event or law. I may suggest brain storming ideas that incorporate mental illness, but make your topic more narrow.

    The incorporation of your personal story is an excellent piece of evidence for this project. The only issue is your explanation of it. PS may not improve the credibility of you as an author. That, to me , depends on your audience. For me, personal stories do not increase the credibility of an author. Technically speaking, applying emotion to an argument decreases its validity and is actually a logical fallacy. The inclusion of your PS is great, just make sure you aren't so bold in your statement as to what it does for you.

    Your sources definitely provide the evidence that you need for your blog post. My only concern is the credibility of them. For instance, your second piece of evidence for the counter. As far as we know, Jon could be any individual on this planet with no credibility whatsoever.

    Overall, fantastic outline. I really had to analyze your outline in order to make recommendations. Good work!
