Sunday, April 3, 2016

Reflection on Pre-Production

So I have this huge ecology test on Tuesday that I haven't even started studying for. This bad. This is very bad. See? I told you, I always procrastinate no matter what. This definitely is not okay. I should probably do something about that. 
  • Successes for this week was getting everything accomplished that I needed to for pre-production, especially creating an actual content outline. That makes me feel so much better going into production week.
  • Definitely some challenges this week was dealing with my innate procrastinator. I think it becomes a game, how long can I wait until I absolutely have to do it so I can finish literally with one second to spare. It's an evil cycle. Maybe it's an addiction? Do they have support groups for procrastinating?
  • Hopefully, with any luck, especially now that I have a strict schedule to stick to, I can get everything I need to get done in a timely manner. Fingers crossed on this one.
  • I'm honestly really excited about this project since I'm an opinionated person and I love telling people all about every opinion I could possibly have. This might get interesting.

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