Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review 13a

I'm so proud of Meredith for actually trying to be a real human with actual feelings. I swear if she backs out one more time I'm going to jump in the show and take McDreamy for myself. Please excuse my Grey's references for at least one more post.

  • I made a content suggestion, I said that by adding more specific counter-arguments for every main argument, then he would be more credible as an author.

  • I believe that by having specific counter-arguments and equally strong refutations, it really helps solidify the argument and make it more credible, regardless who the author is.

  • I incorporated the idea of concessions and refutations in a public argument from the suggested readings into my feedback.

  • I really loved the voice he put in his argument and how passionate he sounded when talking about his topic.

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