Sunday, April 17, 2016

Reflection on Post-Production

I'm really digging Halsey and Ruth B. as far as music artists go. I mention that only because I've been listening to them for the past 3 hours straight. It helps me focus on the projects that I actually need to focus on without me stressing out 110%.
  • Successes this week was actually recording and putting together the rough cut of the video essay. I never think it'll come together until it finally does (thank the Lord). Actually having a rough copy to work with helps so much to picture what the final product will look like and to be able to plan accordingly.
  • Challenges of this week was the effort given on the form-editing end of the project. Although I made a very detailed script, the actual product is less than what's to be desired. I also severely underestimated the time it would take me to finish my ASL signing project, so I wasn't able to put in as much time editing the video essay. This shows in the underdevelopment of the video overall.
  • Based on my experiences this week, I think next week will be a bit more productive towards the project in 109H. Compared to the other projects I also have to worry about, but this deadline is closer so I will have to find time to actually edit the video and make sure the video fits the expectations I have.
  • Overall, I'm feeling kind of overwhelmed with the project to be honest. Not because the project itself is hard or that the deadlines are asking too much, but because I have so much else on my plate this week with tests and quizzes and such.

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