Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Production Schedule

Making to-do lists are one of my favorite things to do (being an adult is the weirdest thing), mainly because when I get something done I can actually feel my stress and anxiety leave me as I cross it off on my list. Weird, I know, but so is adult life.
  • I happen to be a procrastinator in every sense of the word. However, I'm going to try and organize my thoughts and what I'm going to say down to the last word and plan everything out by the end of spring break. That way, all I have to do is put the finishing touches on my project and actually get everything recorded next week.
Production Schedule:
  • Research how professionals in the psychology field communicate, find at least 2-3 different genres and 3-4 genre examples
    • Where: on the internet
    • When: must be completed by 2/20 at 11:59 pm
    • How: have access to a computer that's connected to the internet 
    • Completed: yes, on 2/19 at 10:30 pm and no changes
  • Create a list of interview questions that will help to understand more in-depth how professionals in the psychology field communicate
    • Where: on computer, word
    • When: must be completed by 2/25 at 11:59 pm
    • How: must have access to internet and have word downloaded
    • Completed: yes, on 2/25 at 6:15 pm and no changes
  • Interview Verica Buchanan
    • Where: in her office at the ASU Polytechnic campus
    • When: 2/27 at 3:30 pm
    • How: phone microphone to record interview, list of questions to ask, notebook to jot down important ideas that the interviewee may bring up
    • Completed: yes, on 2/27 at 3:30 pm and no changes
  • Interview Dr. Sbarra
    • Where: in his office in the psychology building of UA, room 210C
    • When: 3/4 at 1:00 pm
    • How: phone microphone to record interview, list of questions to ask, notebook to jot down important ideas that the interviewee may bring up
    • Completed: yes, on 3/4 at 1:00 pm and no changes
  • Outline the "talk show" 
    • Where: on computer, word
    • When: must be completed by 3/7 at 11:59 pm
    • How: must have access to internet and have word downloaded
    • Completed: yes, on 3/7 at 11:30 pm and no changes
  • Write a rough script for the "talk show" 
    • Where: on computer, word 
    • When: must be completed by 3/12 at 11:59 pm
    • How: must have access to internet and have word downloaded 
    • Completed: not yet
  • Gather materials needed to produce the "talk show"
    • Where: on campus 
    • When: must be completed by 3/12 at 11:59 pm
    • How: phone microphone to record the show, print out scripts for everyone involved, people to be guests on the show. and a computer to edit and upload the podcast
    • Completed: not yet
  • Make a final script for the "talk show"
    • Where: on computer, word
    • When: must be completed by 3/19 at 11:59 pm
    • How: must have access to internet and have word downloaded
    • Completed: not yet
  • Record the show using the final script
    • Where: in a study room in Arbol on A4
    • When: must be completed by 3/20 at 11:59 pm
    • How: phone microphone to record and printed scripts 
    • Completed: not yet
  • Upload the recordings to a computer and edit 
    • Where: on computer using an editing app
    • When: must be completed by 3/22 at 11:59 pm
    • How: edited on computer using an editing app
    • Completed: not yet
  • Have 2 people review the completed podcast and edit accordingly
    • Where: on computer and 2 people who live on my floor in Arbol
    • When: must be completed by 3/25 at 11:59 pm
    • How: edited on computer using an editing app 
    • Completed: not yet
  • Upload finished product to D2L
    • Where: on computer and submit to dropbox on D2L
    • When: must be completed by 3/27 at 11:59 pm
    • How: must have access to a computer with internet
    • Completed: not yet

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