Sunday, March 27, 2016

Editorial Report 9b

Maybe it's because I've been spoiled with a touch screen, and my surface pro is a lot newer (and therefore faster), but man I can't stand my old Mac laptop. I'm using it to finish editing my podcast and oh my gosh it literally feels like pulling teeth. And yes I just used the word literally to describe a slow laptop to a dental procedure. I think I might go slam my head into a wall since evidently that will put me out of my misery a lot faster than it will take for this blogpost to be published. 

  • The content changed just a little when I went in and re-edited the podcast's first body section. Since my first genre example was case studies (which is in a printable format) there weren't any soundbite examples I could throw in, so instead I just condensed everything and made it easier to listen to and added music before and after the section to break up the sound of my horrible, dying voice.
  • The form changed the most when I re-edited my first body section of my podcast. Since there weren't a lot of changes I could make by adding soundbites of genre examples since the first example was a case study, I was able to instead go through a cut out a lot of the "fluff" of me just rambling on with no point in sight. So now it's a lot more to-the-point with nifty little music breaks in between.
  • Here's my old first body section
  • Here's my super new, flashy, and hot first body section

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