Sunday, March 6, 2016

From Academia to Social Media

I don't know what it is with social media and foreign people, but from my experience the two don't mix well. Maybe it's the obsessive way Americans shove pop culture down their throats, but foreign people don't seem to care if they have a twitter or not. It's an interesting cultural difference.
  • I selected Catherine Barsics as the author from The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology that I wanted to stalk. Mainly because she's a leading woman in the psychology field and feminism amirite? Anyway, I was able to find her on linkedin, researchgate, reflexions, allmusic, the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, and on facebook. It was hard to find anything personal of hers online, since it's mostly just her professional persona that I could find (i.e. researchgate, linkedin, etc). 
  • Dr. Barsics social media presence is very commanding as a professional in her field since all of her accomplishments can be seen by the first 10 search results for her name (all relating to projects she's worked on or her professional website). However, it was harder to find a more personal side since her facebook is in a different language (French). But, her profile picture is a purple power take that as you will.
  • Ok so her social media presence is not too much different from her persona in her case study, "Frequency, Characteristics, and Perceived Functions of Emotional Future Thinking in Daily Life." Especially since Dr. Barsics is currently working on the Emotional Future Thinking Project and the title of her current project is literally in the title of the case study she published. All of her other social media accounts are either on serious lock-down to keep strangers out, or they just don't exist. So the only real evidence I have to prove that she's not a robot who is a professional 24/7 is the fact that her profile picture on facebook is a purple power ranger. I'm personally more of a fan of the yellow ranger, but whatever works for you Dr. Catherine Barsics.

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