Sunday, March 13, 2016

Production Report 8b

Still sick and still have a man voice which is fantastic so please not a lot of judging would be fantastic. I swear, whenever I get sick it always lasts for three months. Maybe this is karma for something I did...well hopefully it clears up soon and you won't be forced to listen to a super sexy croaky voice.

  • Again, I used Spreaker's recording tool in order to record the actual segment, then I uploaded it as an mp3 to the actual spreaker website. It's super cool and easy to use for a technologically challenged person such as myself, so I loved it. Also, it came pre-loaded with a bunch of sound effects which was super convenient for an amateur.
  1. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
  • Ok so I initially liked the idea of having another person with me to talk, but I realized that it actually makes it MORE awkward since you kinda need a script to go off of. So, as of right now, it will be me, myself, and I producing the podcast. Plus, I can throw in a song or sound effects to make it more interesting. Anyway, we'll see how this goes.

Clearly label “Outline Item” and “Adaptation of Outline Item” in the blog post. Then provide concise but specific answers to the two audience questions listed above.
  • Outline item: body section 1, which begins by explaining the importance of case studies with professionals in the field of psychology and how it helps them to communicate with what studies are being done, the results, what they relate back to, so on and so forth.
  • An extremely super rough outline item can be found here

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