Sunday, February 7, 2016

Tentative Draft for Project #1

Ok I feel like actual death after writing all of this so I'm going to need to recuperate for a day... Anyway, I've never written a QRG before so I guess just look out for general convention issues or if it's too casual/formal in tone? I don't want to tell you too much about the project since that's the definition of a QRG so I'm just gonna say that it takes places in South Africa and has to do with the controversial virginity grant that was just released. Enjoy and please feel free to be ruthless!
Appleorange. "MRW." 2/7/14 via Licensed for noncommercial reuse.


  1. I enjoyed that you added a lot of your voice into the project. It really felt human and not just like some written text. Try to be a bit more specific on the time period. All I got was that it started in 2005 and then some vague-ish time intervals. Also, I don't think it was very clear what some of the stakeholders were saying about the subject or even who some of the stakeholders were.

    You can see the rubric here.

    Also, make your draft allow comments so we can give you advice directly on there.

  2. I thought your draft was wonderful. I would make the same suggestion about stakeholders, but other than that I'm completely enamored with it. You can find my peer review here.

    Also, I'm not sure who you are but based on this I definitely think I want to be your friend.

  3. Your draft reflected a strong and entertaining voice which worked flawlessly with the QRG genre. If I had to make a suggestion it would be to more explicitly state your stake holders, but other than that great job.
    Here's my review:
