Friday, February 26, 2016

My Test -- I Mean Interview -- Subjects

Wow I'm so nervous for these interviews. I feel like I just submitted the last project and now I'm being thrown into this new project. I still don't fully understand the topic of this project, but I guess it's trial by fire?
  • I have scheduled two interviews, one with Verica Buchanan (a professional in the field of psychology) and another with Dr. David Sbarra (a professor at the UA in the field of psychology).
  • Verica Buchanan is a graduate research assistant at the ASU polytechnic campus in applied psychology. Dr. David Sbarra is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the UA as well as the Director of Clinical Training (DCT) for the Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology.
  • Verica Buchanan is a graduate assistant/associate in applied psychology as well as in simulation, modeling, and applied cognitive science from ASU. Dr. Sbarra received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Virginia.
  • Professionally, Dr. Sbarra has worked in the field since 2004 (for about 13 years). While Verica Buchanan has worked professionally in the field for about six years.
The beautiful Verica Buchanan:
Verica Buchanan
Buchanan, Verica. "Verica Buchanan." via Licensed for noncommercial reuse.
  • For Verica Buchanan, the interview is scheduled to take place this Saturday (tomorrow) at 5:00pm in her office at the polytechnic campus at ASU. For Dr. David Sbarra, the interview will take place during his office hours this Friday at 9:00am in his office (Psychology 210C).
  • Interview questions for Verica Buchanan:
    • What's your professional background in psychology?
    • What's your current position at ASU?
    • What past positions have you held?
    • How did you get into the Human Systems Engineering Program at ASU? 
    • Roughly how many publications have you been a part of?
    • What goes into a typical publication for you?
    • What form are most of your publications published in?
    • What's your favorite part of working on a publication?
    • What's your favorite genre of publication in your field to either read or be a part of?
  • Interview Questions for Dr. Sbarra:
    • What's your professional background in psychology?
    • What's your current position at the UA?
    • What past positions have you held?
    • How did you get interested in how human health relates to our social relationships?
    • Roughly how many publications have you been a part of?
    • What goes into a typical publication for you?
    • What form are most of your publications published in?
    • What's your favorite part of working on a publication?
    • What's your favorite genre of publication in your field to either read or be a part of?

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