Saturday, February 6, 2016

My Many, Many Sources

Ok so before I begin, I apologize in advance for the length and how boring it looks, I promise I'll make it up with future posts so bear with me here!

  • This source came from The Guardian, which is an online liberal newspaper reporting on global news. Since it is a liberal newspaper, there was more of a focus on the human rights aspect of the conflict versus the tuition crisis in South Africa.
  • The author of the source is the AFP (Agence France-Presse) located in Johannesburg. The AFP is the 3rd largest international news agency there is and Johannesburg is located in South Africa, so they were able to be there first-hand and capture the conflict as it unfolded.
  • The source was released 1/22/16, so very, very recently. Actually, a few months before this article was released, the student protesters for the tuition crisis were able to get the government to freeze the tuition fees, which is a huge win for the student-led protesters.
  • This source offers a more human rights view into the debate. It represents more of the feminist protesters as well as the government on why they decided to create the grant in the first place. This is important to include why it was introduced in the first place and how different groups have been responding.
  • This source came from Al Jazeera, a Middle-East and global online newspaper. There is actually an entire sub-category labeled "Africa" where they report on different events that have been going on there (including the virginity grant).
  • The author is Azad Essa, who is a journalist working for Al Jazeera and covers news from Sub-Saharan Africa specifically. This is helpful since he is devoted to capturing news from the area where this debate first started.
  • The source was released on 1/25/16, which is around the same time all the other articles regrading this topic were released. It's crazy that in 2016 we're still following articles that have to do with unequal treatment of the genders. Smh.
  • This source offers an insight into more feminist protesters as well as the students who actually received the grant versus students involved in the tuition crisis riots and protests. That was a really interesting comparison.
  • This source came from The Examiner, an online news site that was seen as one of the fastest-growing news networks in August of 2009. It is a reliable news site because of its reputation.
  • The author is Larry Clifton who is a Tampa Top News Examiner who has experience as a freelance writer and print reporter. However, he's situated in Tampa, Florida in the US, so definitely nowhere close to ground zero for this story.
  • The source was released on 1/25/16, which is pretty recent considering he's reporting from Florida. This was shortly after the students in South Africa won a tuition freeze after all the riots and protests.
  • This source offers more insight into mayor Mazibuko's decision on the grant, followed by more insight into why opponents are seeing this particular grant as sexist since there has been a long history of virginity testing in the South African culture.
  • This source came from the Refinery29, which is a women's "destination for how to live a stylish, well-rounded life" (which is a statement directly from their website. This is where my fellow feminists flock to.
  • The author is Lilli Petersen who works full-time for Refinery29 Inc. from Brooklyn, New York. She has written many hard-hitting articles, as well as about Liam Hemsworth's Valentine's Day plans, which was equally as intriguing for me.
  • The source was released on 1/23/16, which is before a few of the other sources and she's located in New York, so I give her props for her timing.
  • This source offers more insight into how accurate the virginity tests are that the female students are subjected to for the grant and the fact that there is very little science behind them, but a whole lot of reputation.
  • This source came from Konbini, which is a global pop culture media network that keeps up-to-date with various news stories. The credibility is a little sketchy since it is a pop-culture based platform rather than a purely news based platform.
  • The author is Olivia Cassano who is currently a Law student who is also a fashion and lifestyle blogger. Even with questionable credentials, it was an interesting perspective.
  • The source was released on 1/23/16, which is surprisingly very early on in the debate and contains a lot of valid points and information. 
  • This source offers more insight not only on the inaccuracies of virginity tests, but also how a lot of the time, when women do have sex in South Africa, it's not always consensual. A very good point Cassano. 
  • This source came from The Big Story, which is an associated press (AP) that covers every kind of news from international, politics, lifestyle, business, and entertainment. A very reliable source for gathering news.
  • The author is Lynsey Chutel, who has also written for the Seattle Times and covers many hard-hitting stories and news articles.
  • The source was released on 1/24/16, and was written shortly after the riots and protests over the tuition crisis and calling for more grants to be made accessible.
  • This source offers more insight into the opinions of the Gender Equality Commission as well as the mayor defending the grant that she herself proposed.
  • This source came from Naij, which is a news site geared toward Nigeria and the rest of the world. Nigeria is close to where the conflict started, so this offers the site more credibility.
  • The author is Adams Odunayo and he is from Lagos, Nigeria and is a freelance writer and has written countless articles on Naij.
  • The source was released on 1/23/16, which he was able to get his information from AFP, which is one of the largest news networks with an HQ right where the conflict started. 
  • This source offers more insight into various other women's activists groups and how they feel about the new virginity grant that was passed by mayor Dudu Mazibuko.
  • This source came from the International Business Times, which is an extremely reliable news site. They provide business and other headlining news from the US and other parts of the world.
  • The author is Morgan Winsor and she is currently a Breaking News Reporter for IBT with a regional specialization in Africa and also used to be an assistant for CNN.
  • The source was released on 1/25/16, and was released shortly after the riots and protests of South African students over the skyrocketing tuition prices and the consensus was a tuition freeze with more grants being made available.
  • This source offers more insight on the background as to why the mayor would decide to put this grant into action. That South Africa has the largest amount of people living with HIV in the world. Also, how the South African's department of women are involved in the debate.
  • This source came from The Inquisitr, which is a liberal news and media website owned by an Israeli businessman. This makes sense its on a liberal news site since this is more of a human rights story and not a story that has to do with the control of guns, but rather the control of women. Also, the news was gathered through the AFP.
  • The author is Lisa Carley and she is currently a writer for The Examiner, Uncorked Wine Co., and Great Grape Concepts. She mostly writes about wine, food, art, and entertainment, but does the occasional human interest story, such as in this case. 
  • The source was released on 1/24/16, and this was after the student riots and protests over the continuous spike in tuition fees, which was won once the government declared a freeze across all campus tuition fees.
  • This source offers more insight into how some people may agree with the use of the virginity grants in school systems in South Africa. It's interesting to read an article on this topic that isn't extremely opinionated so that was interesting.
  • This source came from the Digital Journal, which is a global digital media network where the line between professional articles and user-submitted content is blurred. This makes for judging credibility dubious.
  • The author is actually Larry Clifton who wrote a similar article for the Examiner. He's a Tampa Top News Reporter for the Examiner and a freelance writer who has had several works published in print.
  • The source was released on 1/24/16, a day before he published the story in the Examiner. Interesting. This is also after the student-led riots and protests called for a tuition freeze across South African campuses -- and won. Well, kind of.
  • This source offers more insight into the statistics behind why the mayor had her heart in the right place when making the grant (even though the result was horrendous and very controversial and sexist). Including numbers behind all the pregnancies of girls between the ages of 14-19 during the year 2013 (which was 5.6% of the population).
Chen, Ellery. "Cute Baby Animals." 1/10/13 via Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0.
Thanks for sticking with me through all that, here's a super cute baby bunny to reward you for all those words you just read.

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