Sunday, February 21, 2016

Local Revision: Tense Usage

Yay! More lists! It was definitely more time-consuming than I thought, but voila!

·       mad
·       is: 37
·       sexist
·       performs: 2
·       stay: 3
·       focuses: 3
·       be: 6
·       going: 2
·       testing
·       assume
·       fight
·       make
·       focuses
·       affects
·       are: 19
·       remain
·       get: 8
·       joking
·       make: 2
·       exercise
·       exist: 2
·       being: 5
·       test: 6
·       uses: 3
·       does
·       riot
·       ask
·       mention
·       let
·       shows: 3
·       sleep
·       reinforces
·       responsible
·       spread
·       carry
·       do: 10
·       forget
·       taking
·       coming: 2
·       skyrocketing
·       starting: 3
·       calling
·       can: 3
·       fall
·       march
·       state: 2
·       through
·       win
·       freeze
·       help
·       pay: 2
·       need: 3
·       ganging
·       raping: 2
·       read
·       decide
·       wait
·       joking: 2
·       does: 4
·       affects: 3
·       diminishing: 2
·       saying
·       cover
·       keeping: 2
·       rising
·       reduce
·       follow
·       feel
·       know
·       open
·       sees
·       protesting
·       judge
·       determining
·       puts: 2
·       open
·       look
·       insert
·       save
·       passing
·       excluding
·       telling
·       adds
·       ignores
·       chooses
·       happening: 4
·       targeting
·       stands
·       becoming

·       Started: 3
·       have: 10
·       been
·       had
·       broke
·       been: 5
·       won
·       decided: 2
·       happened
·       used: 3
·       has: 7
·       been: 5
·       found
·       sounds
·       performing
·       founded
·       was: 10
·       found: 3
·       were: 3
·       broken
·       born
·       started
·       took: 4
·       organized
·       became: 3
·       united
·       dedicated
·       gotten
·       showed
·       taken
·       did
·       mentioned
·       surrounded
·       dragged
·       forced
·       released
·       received: 3
·       banned
·       said: 4
·       diagnosed
·       described
·       risen
·       went
·       heard
·       asked
·       held: 2
·       taught
·       explained
·       mentioned: 3
·       stated
·       linked
·       realized

·       fast-forward
·       will: 3
·       become
·       give

·       provide

  • The most prevalent tense in my draft is definitely the present tense.

  • I think this reflects how I put the readers in a situation where the situation is still going on, then I reveal what ended up happening. A story is best told when immersing the reader.

  • I use more past and present tense, there's barely any future tense in my draft. Not too sure if that's a good or bad thing, but I'm gonna roll with it. The shifts between past and present is mostly when I bring up past events that correlate with the controversy that I was focusing on. 

  • Oh don't worry, I definitely employed present tense verbs in my piece... Like I said earlier, it helps to put the reader directly in the situation and forces them to choose a side as the story unfolds, then once the story ends the reader can feel like they were actually a part of the controversy itself.

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