Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Peer Review #1 (of many)

Forewarning: I may or may not go a little overboard with grading. That is one of the many, many reasons why I should never be a teacher or in charge of anyone's grades, ever. Well, and the fact that I can't wake up early for the life of me and I feel like teachers have to get up early if they have morning classes. I can barely make it on time to my 9:30 and by then I'm usually two coffees in. College am I right?
Anyway, I was able to peer review David Klebosky's controversy postmortem on Qatar's labor crisis. And he made it into a video, which was a nice break from all the reading and writing I had to subject myself to. After watching and reviewing his video, it made me realize that I need to be A LOT more specific in my own postmortem. I wasn't sure how to organize it, but after watching the video (even though they're in different forms) I was able to gauge a better understanding of how to organize all my points.
Ok so this is the part I hate, David please don't hate me, but two things you could improve on are:

  • Making the video more interesting and entertaining to watch would be really cool
  • Making the video less blurry with a higher resolution option available, it makes it hard to really get into what you're saying when I can't really see you
Ok so now that the bad news is over, here are some really awesome things I loved about your project:
  • It's evident that you put a lot of thought and research behind all the information that was said and it all came together cohesively 
  • It was well organized and I wasn't confused about the topic, stakeholders, or the outcome so great job!
Also, I have to give you props for diving headfirst into the video essay, that deserves mad props.

NotShemp. "Tina the Gold Star." 6/2/15 via bobs-burgers.wikia.com. Copyright.
You get a gold star from me!

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